What are the skills required for Oracle DBA?

Tani Vashist
3 min readOct 11, 2022


In everyday terms, an Oracle DBA ( database administrator) is liable for the association, uprightness, and board of an organization’s information. While the particular jobs, obligations, and occupation titles of a DBA can change extraordinarily, the Oracle DBA expert regularly applies information on database management systems (DBMS) to characterize, make, keep up with, back up, and secure an association’s data sets.

Skills required for Oracle DBA-

1. Installing and configuring Oracle: Oracle DBA Experts should have Techniques and provisos for installing Oracle across various operating systems — Linux, Windows Server, and Unix, to give some examples — which can differ extensively. Every stage has its unconventional prerequisites. Being familiar with Oracle installation procedures is an area of strength. However, there is no viable replacement for general experience. Read, hear, notice, and forever be watching out for potential chances to get that general knowledge.

2. Linux: Linux is a Unix-like operating system. Very much like Windows, Macintosh operating system, and IOS, Linux is a working framework utilized by millions across the globe. Android itself is fueled by the Linux working framework. Linux deals with all the equipment assets that are related to your PC. The product is renowned in view of the assurance it awards from infections, malware, and crashes. The Linux working framework is sans altogether and is open-source programming meaning it tends to be changed by those outfitted with the information to code.

This is the way Linux is utilized on Oracle DBA resumes:

● Oversee information base security by inspecting and relieving weaknesses to follow Prophet and Linux security prerequisites.

● Introduced and configured MySQL programming and data sets, remembering Server. The executives for a Linux climate.

● Introduced and Designed RAC on Red Cap Linux Progressed Server with 4 hubs server-side burden adjusting utilizing Programmed Stockpiling The board.

3. Database: A Database is a mixture of information and data, making it simple to view, access, and make due. Databases save a lot of time and may store massive amounts of data. Data sets make arranging information more straightforward and store it in specific fields which limits the looking through models. A database ordinarily contains tables, charts, and segments to show information.

This is the way the information base is utilized on oracle database administrator:

● Monitor database performance implementation patterns to distinguish inconsistencies or mistakes, Report analysis, and identify and settle table-space fragmentation and migrations.

● Provided ongoing assistance with database background generation, space projection and revitalization, and query performance tweaking of existing applications.

You can learn UNIX and Linux or more through the Oracle DBA training in Noida. Check out the different Oracle DBA courses in Noida available.

4. UNIX: UNIX is a PC working framework that was first made during the 1960s and has been continually refreshed from that point forward. The working framework alludes to the arrangement of projects that empower a machine to work. It is a multi-client, performing various tasks gadget that deals with computers, laptops, and servers. UNIX frameworks likewise have a graphical UI (GUI), like Microsoft Windows, that simplifies it to utilize.

This is the way UNIX is utilized on Oracle DBA resumes:

● Monitored Client Data sets, actually situated in the U.S. also, Far off Organization of fifteen Creation Data sets in UNIX climate.

● Executed UNIX shell scripts for the robotization of various regulatory exercises and warnings.

How to Develop Your Oracle DBA Skills?

If you lack the aforementioned Oracle DBA skill sets to list on a résumé in order to obtain employment, Oracle DBA often needs a bachelor’s degree in computer science, data technology, or information systems management.

DBAs can become more marketable as candidates to recruiters by enrolling in one of the numerous reputable Oracle DBA training institutes that also provide a variety of Oracle DBA certification course paths. CETPA Infotech is one of the best training institutes that offer Oracle DBA training in Noida with 100% placement assistance. CETPA’s trainers are industry experts who have the right knowledge and experience needed for you.



Tani Vashist

CETPA Infotech plays a critical role in molding the lives of young individuals by preparing them for the dynamic world of IT.